Sunday 28 December 2014

🍎🍏Apple cinnamon pie slab .. 🍎🍏

helllo there ,
Apple's cinnamon and Baking sounds Intresting yeah!

This time I have tired baking with Apple's and they came out well .. noo noo ... Came out perfectly well .. I couldn't even had the second bite saved for myself .. *hmmm*
This apple slab pie is loaded with caramelized apples and wrapped in a flaky puff pastry crust. It’s so easy and quick to whip up and you don’t even have to struggle with making your own dough; a store-bought puff pastry will work just fine.

Ingredients are simple and easily available in your kitchen .. so u can just try them out without  a second thought of doubt ..

The one I tried serves only 2 person if u wanna increase the per person quantity jus double the quantity ..
Soooo lets being ...

35 min to make , serves 2

Ingredients  for filling :
1large Apple peeled and finely sliced ( I used green Apple)
2 tbsp butter Unsalted
1 tsp cinnamon powder
1tbsp Brown sugar ( u can substitute with white sugar as well .)
1/2 tsp honey
1/2 tsp coca powder

Melt butter in a pan , add sliced Apple's and sautè .. gradually add all the remaining ingredients .. and cook well until Apple soften. Set aside

Ingredients for the pie:
Puff pastry  frozen  , thawed ( rectangular shaped.. if your using the squared shaped then u need four squares )
1 tsp full - Brown sugar for sprinkle
1 - Egg yolk lightly beaten for egg wash

1) Pre heat the oven to 250 degrees .
2) Arrange apples in a tight row lengthwise down the middle of one puff pastry sheet leaving a one inch border on all sides. Pour remaining syrup from the apples over the top of the apples. Brush your beaten egg around the edges of your pastry. Top with the second pastry sheet and press down on the edges to seal.
3) Lightly dust a sheet of parchment paper with flour. Place your thawed puff pastry dough over it and roll it out slightly to flatten the top .
3. Arrange apples in a tight row lengthwise down the middle of one puff pastry sheet leaving a one inch border on all sides. Pour remaining syrup from the apples over the top of the apples. Brush your beaten egg around the edges of your pastry. Top with the second pastry sheet and press down on the edges to seal.
4. Cut 6 (1-inch wide) slits down the center of your pastry to create vents.
5. Brush the pastry with egg wash and sprinkle the top generously with coarse sugar. Bake according to your oven temperature meter  for 15-17 min or until top is golden brown.

If you love to try this recipe don't forget to  snap a pic and hashtag It / #walkingBetweenTherain

I would love to see your creations !! 😎

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